Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Its 23rd Nov :)


Love You Sai

Wondering how we walked so far together... and still walking... Happy Birthday Sai... 85 yrs now... 

When every time I cried inside, you tricked me into feeling way better, after realizing that you cant win me by logic... you would ask me if I was ready to see you, and I would open my eyes wide but still say 'NO'...     I dont miss you so much... but its now that I have realized to the fullest that you were born just like any of us... as a human... with human capabilities... and now I understand what you meant by saying that we are still to realize ourselves as divine...

I would like to share some of Sai's words here:

"If the intellect is dull and derives happiness from sleep, slothfulness and pointing out other’s faults, it characterises Thamasic nature. This nature will make one ignore the knowledge of self throughout one’s life. True education is that which directs and counsels the mind and intellect of man towards earning Sathwic happiness. The scriptures declare “Na Sukath Labhyathe Suhkam”, that by undergoing unhappiness alone can happiness be won. This truth has to be instilled through Vidya (Self-knowledge or education). If you understand the joy of Sathwic happiness, true Vidya will be found to be easy and palatable."
--Sathya Sai Baba

"The awareness of Brahman (God) cannot be won by the accumulation of wealth or even by giving away of riches. Nor can it be achieved by reading texts, rising to power, acquiring degrees and diplomas, or performing scriptural sacrifices and rituals. The body is an anthill, with the mind inside the cavity. The mind has hidden in it, the serpent named Ajnana (ignorance). This serpent cannot be killed by resorting to Kamya Karma (pleasurable activities). Jnana (spiritual wisdom) is the only weapon that can kill the serpent of ignorance. That person alone who has faith can secure this spiritual wisdom."
--Sathya Sai Baba

"Peace is a state of mind that is very much within one's own self. It emanates from one's heart. There is reaction, resound, and reflection for everything in the world. Only when there is hatred in you will you see hatred in others. At times, even if no one causes harm to you, you try to hurt others. Whatever you do to others, you will definitely experience the result of that action, and whatever you hear or experience is all due to the reaction, reflection, and resound of your own actions and feelings; others are not responsible for it. You forget this simple truth and lament, "so and so is accusing me or causing pain to me or hurting me" and so on. Many a times you tend to fight and hurt others. From today onwards, always help others, never hurt anyone. Follow your conscience, it will help you to manifest noble qualities."
--Sathya Sai Baba

The one who realises his identity with the Divine will not cause hurt to anyone. 
--Sathya Sai Baba

Please click here for "chinna katha" articles... "chinna katha" means "short story"... :)
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"Let me be in Thee; heart, mind and soul; as one and separate"

Om Sai Ram