Thursday, January 5, 2012

Still To Surrender???

This is Sai's message for all of us... If you do not understand it, then you are still on your way... li'l patience and faith.. 

  When you said "Yes" to Me

When you said "Yes" to Me you gave up the right to be like everyone else.
That is why you draw experiences to yourself that will  cleanse yourself of that which does not fit who you are.
Over, and over, again, and again until I make you see that the past no longer works.
I challenge you and tempt you every day with your past, so that you may see that the past is ultimate delusion.
When you said "Yes" to Me you gave Me your body, your thoughts, your actions.
When they don't suit the new you, the uncomfortableness is unbearable.
It is so EVERY time until you realise this fully; then and only then will you completely give up desire.
For this is the only way man will learn.
Very seldom does he learn by quiet reminders.
Man's desires and pitfalls are placed there so that I may do my work.
When you give up totally, then the temptations will fade.
I will never give up on you.
Every slip will become harder to bear and less easy to remedy.
You will tire of your foolishness becase I love you and whether or not completely aware of it, you did say "Yes".

- Sathya Sai Baba