Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Who Killed God ?

On an opening note, you may think I'm an atheist but that would mean I do not believe in God's existence and therefore talking of his death would be invalid !

Naming this post as 'Who killed God?', I want you to think upon 'Who created God' !

Living in a society where religion teaches us discipline as it should and realizing by now that God and religion are totally different entities, I am sure we all who believe in God, have our own unique version of him installed in our hearts.. Our very own instance of him, whom we smile at and fight with, whom we demand from, ask for various justifications and quibble with. So here's a question which I put forward in a descriptive way for the thinkers :
When we were born (just booted), our default memory had glimpse of no one.. Soon we start to recognize our mother, then father and so on.. When did God make an entry then?
  • When you were taken to church or another holy/religious place?
  • When you heard of him from others?
  • As you grew you wanted someone who could answer all your questions!
  • When you feared something/someone and wanted a savior ?
  • Needed someone to blame upon?
  • You have witnessed miracles? 

So we needed an answer to the above, desperate for a conclusion to reach out to heart's satisfaction. When we can see magician's tricks, imagine aliens with super powers and think of artificial intelligence while living in the dawn of robotic age, why have we not thought of this age old passed name, 'God' as one such? Why the so called 'God' acquainted with divinity and spiritual wisdom with strings attached?  What if we were just threads living in a virtual reality that is controlled by this super smart dude or what if he were an alien needing space in our hearts and minds, a gateway that he has.. Seriously, our concept of God has won us a great satisfaction in times of despair and given us great strength at times of fear.

When did we start believing in such a thing as 'God'? Oh, am I still capitalizing his name?

Now, the second part of it !!
This will be difficult to grasp since we humans have tendency to near satisfactory conclusions..

Each time we credit God with all good and bad happenings and debit him with more demands and questionnaire, we are just trying to finalize upon his existence just as we had created him!! The commencement of this Godliness came with an urge for revolution of human bondage, to influence us to stay active in doing our part as humans.. However, today this same name is culminating with a conflicting idea: we waiting for/preaching God to do our part for us !! A lol situation if you ask me...

Once a name that stood to test us and make us believe that we must do our part, be good and blah.. and now a name whom we relentlessly demand the same from.. Wow, we test him too!! We have mercilessly left that super power dude with all 'pleases' and 'sorries'.. Eeks!! we did kill him and man, how cruel are we?!!#??!!

So to give him a break, and once again re invent that feeling of God or Godliness, real or imaginary, lets make a deal of not stuffing our work onto him..

So acquainted with the term 'God'.. How about the term 'human'/'humane'..

I am leaving God (with whatever idea I have of that name) to do his job and I'm doing mine.. He sure has great deals to work on and I can help him a bit by not letting him stray along with me. He sure rescued me while I wandered and I must do the same !! One human who did great good- that's what 'God' means to me..

Its amazing that we all have our own idea of God; I found this amazing article on the same If God Were A Space Alien .